Life Is Tough But So Are You Book

Available At Leading Bookstores

Viral video producer Briony Benjamin was a few months into a new job when she started feeling crappy… All. The. Time. Doctors told her she was just stressed and should rest more and learn to meditate. But it turns out she had cancer… all through her body.

Turning the camera on herself, Briony started documenting her journey in the short video ‘You Only Get One Life’. Its raw portrayal of her experience went viral, touching millions.

In her first book ‘You Only Get One Life’ Briony shares some of the important lessons learnt through her illness and recovery – everything from how to assemble your A Team in times of crisis and learning to make friends with the pain, to happy hacks for cutting yourself some slack and some great tips on being a kick-arse support human when a friend is going through the rough stuff.

If you want to live the richest version of your life, bring some more joy into your day-to-day existence and have some tools up your sleeve for when things get tricky, this book is for you. 

Because – spoiler alert – we all have to deal with our fair share of tough times sooner or later. It’s how we handle them and bounce back afterwards that really matters.

Briony Benjamin is a storyteller and viral video producer who has worked with major brands including the World Wildlife Foundation, Get Up, The Climate Council and women’s media site Mamamia. 

After pressing pause on her life thanks to the Big C, she turned her focus to sharing life-changing support for anyone who is facing a life-changing situation. 

As well as continuing to produce video content, Briony can be found on stage, engaging audiences across Australia. 

Life Is Tough book

So many of us experience life-disrupting events. I wrote a book about mine, to help you through yours. Most life-disrupting events don’t come with a ‘how to deal’ handbook. So I wrote one.

Life Is Tough But So Are You